Главная > Flash 18+ > [FLASH] I Think About you Under the Tree, Listening to the Chirring of Cicadas in Chorus

[FLASH] I Think About you Under the Tree, Listening to the Chirring of Cicadas in Chorus

14 декабря 2019. Разместил: STRANNICK NVIDIA
[FLASH] I Think About you Under the Tree, Listening to the Chirring of Cicadas in Chorus
[FLASH] I Think About you Under the Tree, Listening to the Chirring of Cicadas in Chorus[FLASH] I Think About you Under the Tree, Listening to the Chirring of Cicadas in Chorus[FLASH] I Think About you Under the Tree, Listening to the Chirring of Cicadas in Chorus

"Kaname is a strange girl who can see the spirits of the insect. I met her, and fell in love with her.

This is a humble story about the summer where Kaname and I met each other.
That summer vacation was a very special one..."

The first summer vacation came after they started going out together.
They haven't even kissed, so with a vague hope, the protagonist planned a summer camp.
The summer for the two started

Size: 62 Mb

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