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RE: Anise 2

29 апреля 2011. Разместил: STRANNICK NVIDIA
[3D GAME] RE: Anise 2

RE: Anise 2

RE: Anise 2RE: Anise 2RE: Anise 2
RE: Anise 2RE: Anise 2RE: Anise 2

Game introduction
Anise's irresponsible father decided to go out adventuring again. So the money he earned from previous adventures becomes the living expenses for Anise and Purisu, although Anise complained about it her father didn't take any notice and being a naive and optimistic girl she kind of accepted it anyway. Now, 2 years later, with them running out of money and no news of their father Anise sets out to make money and hopes to become an adventurer like her father so she can find him.

Size: 346 Mb

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